Get The Extension

Our Gmail extension extracts and processes bills directly from your inbox to ensure a seamless expense management workflow.

Submit Your Bills In A Click

Submit your bills directly from your inbox with Synced’s seamless Gmail integration.

Know What You Owe

Don’t know what you owe a supplier? Without having to leave your inbox you can see what bills you need to pay.

Automate With AI

The Gmail assistant takes automation to the next level by submitting your expenses as soon as they hit the inbox.

Ready To Automate Your Finances?

Contact us to learn more about how Synced can streamline your expense management.

Our Customers Love the Gmail Extension

With Synced, your business can enjoy improved accuracy, efficiency, and security of expense data and reduce the risk of errors associated with manual data entry.


We believe that expense management begins at the first touchpoint. That’s why, in addition to accounting software, we also integrate with Outlook and Gmail.